
Wild Ideas Light Company’s mission is to design, develop and bring to market high-quality efficient light-emitting diode (LED) lighting products that are manufactured in the US and sold for reasonable prices through various distribution channels.

Our products are custom-tailored to meet your specific lighting requirements and situation.  There are a significant number of components that go into building our lights.  Because of the many decisions you must make regarding a light, such as size, type of power, lumen level, style of light (street, down, vertical, etc.) we cannot stock individual lights.  We stock some major components and have standing orders for the rest.  We can typically build your custom light in 6 to 9 weeks.  In 2010 we experienced an industry-wide back-log for power supplies.  The single major supplier did not anticipate the need, consequently everyone building LED lights was in a wait mode for power supplies.  Our order was about a month late in arriving.